Amela Ajanovic
Vienna University of Technology
Amela Ajanovic is Associated Professor in Energy Economics at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). She is a lecture and faculty member of the postgraduate MSc Program “Renewable Energy Systems”. She holds a master degree in electrical engineering and a PhD in energy economics at TU Wien. Her main research interests are alternative fuels and alternative automotive technologies as well as sustainable energy system and long-term energy scenarios. She has been guest researcher at the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) in Amsterdam and at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris working on the World Energy Outlook, as well as a guest lecturer at the Technical University of Prague. She has been involved in many national and international research projects, and her work has been published in the leading scientific peer- reviewed international journals.She has also served as a guest editor on several occasions and is an associate editor of different scientific journals. She is an active member of various academic and scientific committees and associations.