Fang Mengxiang
College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University China
Prof. Mengxiang Fang, Born in 1965 at ZhejiangProvince of China. He got his Ph D degree on Engineering Thermolphysics on July, 1991. After graduated, he worked at Institute for Thermal Power Engineering of Zhejiang University and was promoted to the professor in 1998. His interest is coal and biomass combustion and gasification, CO2 capture. He has already been responsible to finished more than 40 projects including National Natural Science Foundation Project, National Key Basic Research Project(973), National High Technology Research and Development Project(863), EU cooperation project (COACH, NZEC, RANC, CO2 TRIP Partnership), China & US International cooperation projects, Cooperation projects with GE, EDF, and CSIRO, etc. He got more than20 patents and presented more than 200 papers in Journal and conference.